June’s Parish Magazine on-line

We have been hearing a lot about ‘firsts’ over the last month, first time to be cancelled – The British Open, Wimbledon, Brighton Festival, Comic Con to name but a few, but NOT the Abbotts Ann Parish Magazine!
Even though it is not being printed as a hard copy, it is still going ahead and can be viewed by everyone in the community here – online!

To keep the costs down during printing, the Editorial section is just plain black & white – not this month, this month there is a lot of colour and so there should be – it’s Spring! It has taken a lot of extra hard graft to get it to work and it
certainly would not have happened without the fantastic support of the Magazine Team, Graham Platford and Jill Taylor, they have been my buffer zone and I am immensely grateful to them both.
I would also like to express my thanks to Keith Saunders, Abbotts Ann web designer, the magazine would certainly not look as good as it does without his flair and talent, he has given up a lot of his spare time to make this happen – thank you.
I shall now leave you to enjoy the magazine and I sincerely hope you do.
All the best, to all of you

Judeth Dashwood

Click HERE to view the on-line Parish Magazine

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