Pattern of Church Services over the summer

The Rectory
Upper Clatford
SP11 7QP

Dear friends,

I very much hope that this letter finds you and your loved ones in good health, in body, mind and spirit. These past weeks have been testing for us all in many ways. However, I am pleased to write to you now, with the news that we will very soon be able to worship in our church buildings again.

First, I would like to reassure all of you who are not yet ready to come out to church, that we will be continuing all of our current activities online through-out the summer and into September.

The Sunday midday service will be simplified a little, but will still include the Bible reading for the week, a sermon and intercessions. I am pleased to say you will also get a little more variety as the Ministry Team begin to take on more of these services from their homes. The noon service will also continue be available to listen to on the phone line which we have provided for those who don’t have computers.

Sunday evening Zoom services will also continue, covering a wide variety of themes and input from others in our church community.

Daily Night prayer will also still be available.

In addition, from Sunday 19th July we will be able to offer a service of Holy Communion at 10am in one of our churches each week. In order to abide by government and Church of England guidelines, I am afraid that numbers do have to be restricted to allow for social distancing, although I am hopeful we have sufficient space for all who wish to join us.  It would be exceedingly helpful to know who to expect each week, so please would you let Sarah Derbyshire our benefice administrator know if you are intending to join us. A simple phone message: 07393-944245 or email: by noon the Friday before the Sunday and please let us know who will be coming with you.

If you have friends or neighbours who do not receive this mailing, please do let them know about this arrangement.

The Order of Service will be available to download and print from the website, if you would like to bring your own with you, but we will also have printed copies in the church.

We will be doing all we can to make worship in our church buildings a safe and meaningful experience. We will be able to distribute the communion bread to all who wish to receive, but at this time only the priest is able to take the wine on behalf of everyone.

If you are feeling unwell please do not attend church. Face coverings are not currently required (but do keep an eye out for updates, as this may change), however you may want to wear one for the safety of others. We will be asking for a contact phone number or email for the purpose of track and trace, in case needed.

On the next page of this letter you will find details of which church will be hosting the service on which Sundays over the summer.

I very much hope I will see you soon, but please do feel free to be in touch if you want to ask about anything we are currently offering.

Wishing you peace and joy,


Rev’d Katrina Dykes

Priest-in-Charge, Abbotts Ann, Upper Clatford and Goodworth Clatford.

Web sites at and at

Sunday 10am Services of Holy Communion in the Anna Benefice

Please leave a phone message on 07393-944245 or email if you are intending to join us, letting us know if anyone is coming with you.

Thank you.


19        All Saints Upper Clatford       

26        St Mary Abbotts Ann  


2          St Peter Goodworth Clatford

9          All Saints Upper Clatford

16        St Mary Abbotts Ann

23        St Peter Goodworth Clatford

30        All Saints Upper Clatford


6          St Mary Abbotts Ann

13        St Peter Goodworth Clatford