Despite having to change the date of our meeting at the last minute, most of our members were still able to make it, only a few had a diary clash.
We were fortunate that the Abbotts Ann Handbell Ringers were also still able to attend. They played a selection of well-known Christmas Carols and with the aid of the supplied song sheets we were able to join in. Following this festive sing-along, volunteers were requested and several of our members decided to see how easy (or not) it really was. We were told we ought to recognise the tune, although it wasn’t a carol this time. Several bars later it rang a bell (sorry, couldn’t resist) and was recognised as Jerusalem. The first rendition was called a rehearsal so there was an encore and this time we sang along.
Once again there was an excellent buffet to follow, members each bring along a contribution which is always a success. Several members had been down earlier to set up the hall and decorate the tables.
Our next meeting will be on 30th January and our speaker is Andrew Negus, who has regaled us previously with tales of Salisbury’s past. This time he will be taking us through Portsmouth’s history with “Harlots, Dun and Glory.” If you wish to hear the explanation, then please join us in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.
Diary Dates
04 January – Breakfast Club
07 January – Reading Group
11 January – Walking Group
18 January – Post-Christmas Lunch Esseborne Manor Hotel
30 January – Monthly Meeting – 7.30 p.m. Village Hall