W.I. Newsletter January 2023

January has been a busy month for our members.  It started with another well attended Coffee Morning on the 12th January.    Members were pleased to catch up with each other following Christmas and the New Year.  

Just a few days later members were together again, but this time gathering at Esseborne Manor for a post-Christmas Lunch.  It was a lovely, relaxed event, with our ladies enjoying three courses – all pre-chosen with the chance to wash it all down with a glass of wine.   As usual though, there was a lot of work behind the scenes mostly by our President & Secretary, Lynne Lucas & Aileen Catterson who made sure everyone attending had made their choices (and paid our Treasurer – most important) and then liaising with Esseborne.  As usual there are always last-minute amendments.  Also assisting were Sue George and Sharon King who sourced and wrapped the coloured primroses adorning the tables.  Each member was then able to take one home with them. 

Then on the 26th January we were in the Village Hall for this month’s meeting when Sharon King was deputising for Lynne Lucas who unfortunately had a diary clash.

Our speaker, Jen Best, was making a return visit to us.  Previously she had shown us how to make Dorset buttons.  This time she was here to talk about the benefits crafting can have on our mental health.

Jen explained that crafting can help lower both blood pressure and the heart rate.   It is a form of mindfulness and meditation due to its repetitive nature.  Obviously, if crafting is not for you, then this can be replicated by doing jigsaws or other puzzles etc.

Jen was generous enough to share with us that she had recently suffered from poor mental health, which came as a surprise to her.  She sought help from various sources, but she was able to find solace in taking up new crafts including spinning using her late Mother’s loom and craft supplies.  Stitching for her is absorbing and it switches her brain away from worry as concentration is needed. 

Jen had brought along examples of her work which were displayed for members to admire afterwards.  Many went to speak to her as her enthusiastic talk had obviously resonated with many of us.  Particularly, continuing to use items previously used by our mothers and grandmothers.  It helps keep our memories of them alive.

Our meeting this month is on 23rd February and Tom Morath from The Hawk Conservancy is coming along to talk to us.  Some of our members who joined us via Zoom will remember he spoke to us during lock down and inspired us with his enthusiasm.  As usual it is a 7.30 p.m. start in the Village Hall.



 09 February –    Coffee Morning – Sports Pavilion at 10.30 a.m. (£2 to include refreshments)

11 February –    Walking Group

23 February –    Monthly Meeting – Abbotts Ann Village Hall : 7.30 p.m.