Abbotts Ann W.I. Newsletter December 2022

Just two weeks after our November meeting we were back in the Village Hall for our festive December meeting.  As usual there was some fretting (mostly by our poor hard-working Secretary) about whether it would work out ok, but of course as usual it did.  Obviously, there was much done by the committee behind the scenes including turning up early to dress the tables with cloths, candles, chocolates and other festive items. 

The buffet as always was abundant.  With little co-ordination or planning each member brings along something to share and it always works out with a good balance of savoury and sweet items to tempt us to indulge.  There was also prosecco and sparkling elderflower to enhance the nibbles.  Members had dressed for the occasion as well with Christmas dresses, jumpers and earrings.

This year we had representatives from the local Military Wives Choir who sang several festive songs and carols, and we were invited to join in as well. It was lovely.  Apparently, they had a big event the following evening, so it was a chance to have a practice. 

There was also a collection made in lieu of sending each other Christmas Cards (although of course there is still an exchange of cards!) and this made £51.00 for the local women’s refuge.  Two of our members, Sue & Sharon, took it along to them a week later with a card and we were given a warm welcome by the staff.  We have since received a lovely thank you via email from their Chief Executive and the Charity is now known as Finding Freedom from Abuse.  When we were there our donation was accepted and referred to as women helping women which I think sums it up.  

Just two days later three of us from the walking group set out for a magical walk from the Royal Oak at Goodworth Clatford.  The weather was very cold and very, very frosty but gosh everything looked so beautiful.  The many spider webs were like intricate lacework; the trees were glorious and glistened in the wintry sunshine.  We saw deer as well.  They stood so still and just watched us, so we did the same and just enjoyed the moment.   We were all wrapped up to protect us from the cold, but we saw one brave dog walker wearing shorts!   We all agreed it had been lovely and we were so pleased we had carried on with our plans.  We were later joined in the pub by one of our former walkers and enjoyed a delicious meal and warming cup of coffee.

Our coffee mornings will resume in January and we also have our post-Christmas lunch to look forward to at Essebourne.  Members should all have made their choices by now and arranged payment.  Please speak to Lynne or Aileen if you have not yet done so – before it is too late!

We will be back in the Village Hall on 26th January, and we have Jen Best of Beaker Buttons explaining how Craft can help with mental health.  The meeting will start, as usual, at 7.30 p.m.



12        –           Coffee Morning: 10.30 a.m. Sports Pavilion (refreshments from £2) open to non-members

14        –           Esseborne Manor – Post Christmas Lunch

26        –           Monthly Meeting – Abbotts Ann Village Hall 7.30 p.m.