Thanks to the hard work of the Programme Sub-Committee we have much to look forward to in the coming year. Kate Bennett has been busy with her paint brushes and produced a very colourful Programme for us to get all those dates marked off on the Calendar. The topics range from the historical to the hysterical by the looks of it and we are reminded of the Centenary Events, the Village Fete as well as all the activities available between our meetings. No excuse to miss anything, it is all there, albeit not in black and white!
This year’s meetings started off with a stroll around three lovely gardens right here in Abbotts Ann. A big thank you to Annabel Stowe, Bill & Diana Easterbrook and Chris Davies for allowing us to wander freely, as we admired the colourful and imaginative planting. A very pleasant, relaxed evening and the weather held thank goodness.
There were lots of sign-up sheets for breakfast and lunch, walking, skittles and Hampshire Federation Meetings as well the opportunity to attend events hosted by our fellow Anton Danebury Group Institutes. No wonder we never seem to be at home. There is always something to do.
Next month’s meeting, 27th July, is the historical as Tony Roper will be talking about the History of Weyhill. As usual the meeting will start at 7.30 p.m. and visitors are, as always, very welcome.
Diary Dates:
01 July – Breakfast Club
06 July – Ashe Park, Overton (Garden Visit, weather permitting)
08 July – Centenary Tea Party
27 July – Monthly Meeting – 7.30 p.m. Village Hall – The History of Weyhill (Tony Roper)
29 July – Lunch Club
01 August – Reading Group