W.I. Newsletter November 2022

Gosh it has been a busy month with lots on our calendar should our members choose to participate.

First was our well attended coffee morning, the last for this year; then a few days later it was our walking Saturday.  Six of us gathered at The Oak at Smannell to walk though Harmony Woods in Enham Alamein.  We wanted to see it for ourselves, having heard Wendy Davis from Andover Trees United talk to us so passionately about it at our September meeting.   We also took the opportunity to remember former member Christine Fell who died recently.  Christine was an enthusiastic member before she moved away from Abbotts Ann and had been a founding member of our walking group. 

The resurrected Supper Club met at The Plough in Longparish which is now run as a community pub and apparently, they all had a great time.  Then the following week there was an opportunity to visit Avebury Manor again whilst it was decorated for Christmas.  Members travelled in cars to the venue, but trickly wi-fi meant not everyone was able to meet up as a group.  Nevertheless, all those attending enjoyed the visit.  There were some amazing hand-made Christmas decorations which had taken the “elves” 12 months to design and produce!

Then before we knew it, it was our monthly meeting.  President Lynne Lucas brought everyone up to date and thanked Julia Rowling who was stepping down as our representative on the Fete Committee.  Fortunately, Sarah Kirby has agreed to take on the role for which we are grateful.  The good news is that we have received a total grant of £600 from the Fete Committee this year.  Thank you very much, this is very much appreciated.  Our surplus from our Halloween Coffee Morning was £203.52 – so thank you to everyone who supported us.  All these additional funds will help us provide extra opportunities for our members.

Elizabeth Howard had given us all a list of what to bring to this meeting as she was kindly offering to show us how to create our own door hanging for the festive period.   Some members had gleaned their greenery from their gardens, others had been sneaking out around their local hedgerows to see what they could find. 

It was a fun evening, with lots of teasing and banter as we all attempted to be creative with our wire coat hangers, sticky tape, foliage and baubles.  Most of us managed something and when all hung together at the end of the evening Elizabeth congratulated us all on our efforts.  Despite starting with the same materials each one was different.

Our next meeting is on 8th December, and we are fortunate to have representatives from the local Military Wives Choir entertaining us.  Please bring a plate of food to share and wear something festive if possible.

As usual the meeting will start at 7.30 p.m. and is in the Village Hall.



08        –           Monthly Meeting – Abbotts Ann Village Hall : 7.30 p.m.

10        –           Walking Group