A very brief summary of our activities this month as time constraints are shorter than usual (due to holiday commitments). Naturally we have done everything we usually do during the month which can be summarised as walking, chatting, eating and drinking basically!
We did meet back in the Village Hall, following our summer break, and our President & Secretary aka Kate & Lynne made sure we were up-to-date with everything going on at all levels of the W.I. and then the meeting was handed over to Helen Ellis. Helen has always had an interest in nature and it was experimenting (successfully) on her husband that persuaded her to train as a Medical Herbalist. She treats patients suffering from a variety of disorders either in the place of conventional medicine or as well as, as they are in the main complimentary to each other. It was suggested that we should keep handy a tube of aloe vera which is invaluable for injuries, scrapes and cuts as it is very cooling and soothing to the skin and Arnica for bruising.
We also learnt that instead of starting the day with caffeine, we should try making a brew of hot water and rosemary as it stimulates the circulation to the brain and allegedly makes us more alert. Bring it on.
Several members signed up to receive her monthly newsletter.
On our Programme we have Hampshire Gardens Trust as our speaker for 30th October at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall.
Diary Dates
09 October – Supper Club
11 October – Walking Group
14 October – Anton Danebury Group Meeting – The Fairground, Weyhill (2p.m.)
16 October – Coffee Morning
22 October – HCFWI Autumn Meeting – The Anvil, Basingstoke
28 October – Reading Group
30 October – Monthly Meeting 7.30 p.m. – Hampshire Gardens Trust
Sharon King