A tin of spam was just a step too far as our members recreated the 1940s in the village hall at this month’s meeting..
Wardrobes had been raided, charity shops trawled and vintage shops visited (too expensive) to bring the fashions of the decade to life. More poignantly still, precious family archives were revealed as books, photographs, school reports, china and many more items were brought along to be included in the exhibition.
Sue George spoke of her father’s wartime experiences, which included being part of the Coates Mission which had been formed specifically to act as the bodyguard to King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and Princesses Elizabeth & Margaret. Freddy Day spent time at Windsor, Sandringham and Balmoral, but became a little bored and yearned to take a more active role. A fact he revealed later to a somewhat surprised King, when their paths crossed again in Algeria. As he later took part in the landings at Sicily & Italy this wish was granted, but perhaps by then Freddy had changed his mind.
Our President Val Downing had devised a forties quiz, no prizes awarded for the winners, just the satisfaction of being able to remember, or at least make a lucky guess, at the answers. Several members had also consulted old recipe books to come up with delicious home cooked refreshments.
That tin of spam – it was one of the prizes in the themed raffle and remained unclaimed until the last ticket was drawn!
Sheila Lockhart was remembered with a minute’s silence at the start of the evening. Sheila enjoyed her membership of the WI and was always enthusiastic and keen to be involved in whatever was going on in our Institute. She took an active part in the creation of the wall hanging which has now been handed over to the new Village School. The Head teacher and pupils are delighted with it.
A donation will be made to Denman College in memory of both Sheila and Margaret Wilson. We mourned Margaret’s loss at last month’s meeting.
Rachael Carter was hostess for our coffee morning this month and the much depleted (due to other commitments) walking group only did a short walk from Abbotts Ann to Rooksbury Lakes and five of us met for lunch at Wyke Down on the last day of the month.
Nine of us, split into three teams, took part in a Winchester quiz walk organised by Hampshire Federation. We had two and quarter hours, which was not as generous as we first thought, to negotiate the city streets seeking answers to 50 clues before returning to WI House for a delicious supper. Unfortunately, none of our teams came out on top, but there was just a little friendly rivalry between our three teams with very few marks separating us in the end.
No meeting in August, but we will be busy serving refreshments at the Village Fete on 4th September. If anyone out there would like to bake us a cake we would be delighted to receive any contributions offered. Just bring them along to the pavilion before 1 p.m. on the day of the fete.
Diary Dates:
04 August – Outing to Windsor
10 August – Reading Group (Digging to America – Anne Tyler)
14 August – Walking Group
17 August – Coffee Morning
04 September – WI Teas at the Village Fete
07 September – Coffee Morning
11 September – Walking Group
21 September – Reading Group (The Butterfly House – Marcia Preston)
30 September – Meeting at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall : The Hawk Conservancy
Sharon King