For Institutes across the country, November is traditionally the month in which we all hold our annual meetings, which is a chance to reflect on the previous 12 months and look forward to the coming year.
We here in Abbotts Ann were able to look back on our successful 90th Anniversary year with great joy.
Our committee for 2008 has some changes, as Cecilia Cotton, Sheila Lockhart & Jacquie Wilson have all taken the decision to stand down – however, it is certain that they will all continue to contribute a great deal to our Institute. In their place, we welcome Barbara Dixon, Maureen Evans and Sue George.
There were no takers for the role of President so there is no change; yours truly remains in that post ably assisted by Wendy Casson as Secretary.
Those who enjoy a good book continued to read with the book club which this month is Atonement by Ian McEwan, it will be interesting to hear their opinion of the film released earlier this year.
Diary Dates:
01 December – Walking Group
13 December – Christmas Celebrations
18 December – Book Club
12 January – Walking Group
15 January – Book Club
31 January – Now for Nostalgia with Jill Bentall
Next month will see us enjoy Christmas celebrations in the Village Hall with a prompt 7 p.m. start.
Sharon King