W.I. Newsletter January 2019

As I start to write this newsletter there is snow outside and our first monthly meeting of 2019 was scheduled for 31st January.   However, we woke to dire warnings of snowbombs, evening commuter chaos and advice not to travel unless necessary!  We received a flurry of emails as members responded to our President’s question as to whether we were prepared to brave the elements.  An avalanche of replies saying no outweighed the light dusting of those saying yes (with their fingers crossed it wouldn’t be that bad here).  Democratically, therefore, the decision, of our one and only referendum on the subject, was to cancel the meeting.

However, you haven’t escaped from hearing our news as we had still been active up to that point.  The committee had met to make plans for the coming months and a larger than average walking group started the new year with a lovely ramble around Amport and Monxton followed by lunch at The Hawk. 

Whilst Andover Library is temporarily closed for a refurbishment, the reading group still met for a chat and catch up. The re-opening date (6th February) has just been announced so they will soon be able to collect and read their choices for this year.

Most of our members had already had a chance to catch up with each other at our Post-Christmas Lunch at Esseborne Manor on the 19th of January.  This venue has proved popular with our members as we celebrated our Centenary there in 2017.  It is a three-course affair, with a chance to make our choices in advance.  As always, whilst most of us just turned up and took the chance to be waited on and enjoy a glass or two of wine, behind the scenes others had been involved in the event’s organisation. Lynne Lucas liaised with Esseborne Manor, Kate Bennett arranged the seating plan and made us lovely place names and our Treasurer settled the bill, having made sure we had all paid her first of course.  The table decorations, also organised by Kate, were lovely coloured primroses and there were enough (funny that) for us each to take one home as a memento.

Weather permitting (please) our meeting this month is on 28th February at 7.30 p.m. and Lucy Hooper from The Dogs Trust is our guest speaker.                       


Diary Dates:

07 February       –           Supper Club

09 February       –           Breakfast Club (re-scheduled)

09 February       –           Walking Group

19 February       –           Reading Group

23 February       –           Lunch Club       

28 February       –           Monthly Meeting 7.30 p.m. in The Village Hall