Be warned, next time our members receive a handwritten missive from their friends and family they will be using tips on graphology to discover the writer’s true character traits. It’s not just the way we cross and dot the relevant letters, but whether we space out the lines and characters or write very small and tight this can all reveal those things that perhaps we keep hidden. Our speaker this month Graham Birchmore’s interest in the subject was sparked when he wanted to discover who his first unsigned valentine was from – research proved, much to his disappointment, that it came from a family member.
Nevertheless, he has gone on to study the subject and considering than we are all taught to write in much the same way everyone has a different approach. Whether we use the page in a portrait or landscape format, join-up our characters or not, write ornately or quite plainly, legibly or illegibly so much can be interpreted from all these variations. Graphologists have been used to study requests for parole from prisoners to see if the person truly repents or not. Graham is thinking that now we all email and text that perhaps he should be analysing the type of font that is used. (I am typing this in Calibri 11 – so I wonder what that is saying about the real me?!)
We have done all our usual activities which involve reading, walking, eating and drinking this month and Aileen Catterson gave a super report on Hampshire Federation’s recent Spring Council Meeting at Portsmouth where the guest speakers were Mandy Hickson (female pilot of a front line Tornado) and historian Lucy Worsley. Four of our members also attended the Anton Danebury Group’s spring meeting at Weyhill where the entertainment was BUMS (Braishfield Ukulele Musical Society).
A complete change of subject for our next meeting which is Salisbury courtesy of Andrew Negus.
Diary Dates:
05 April – Coffee Morning
09 April – Walking Group
14 April – Supper Club
28 April – Monthly Meeting – 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall – Andrew Negus about Salisbury